
smoothie Tag

Slam Dunk Smoothie!

If you have spoken with us doctors here at Innovative Health Partners, you know how much we encourage eating a balanced diet of anti-inflammatory foods.  This is because the overwhelming majority of health conditions that Americans battle are caused, triggered or aggravated by their diet.  For the...

Not So Chunky Monkey Smoothie

Do you want to maintain a healthy weight and still get your fix for chocolate shakes? A smoothie is a great way to satisfy that craving while nourishing your body. Smoothies can easily contain way too many calories for an average meal. The "not so...

Age Reversing Green Smoothie

I put a quick picture of my green smoothie up on facebook and received many questions about it. So here is more information for you. A greens smoothie is great to detox all the junk in our system! Deep greens contain high concentrations of antioxidants, and...