
Are Your Preventative Tests Actually Preventing Anything?

Are Your Preventative Tests Actually Preventing Anything?

We hear it time and time again- “early detection saves lives”. So what are you doing? Have you incorporated routine yearly blood work up? How about those colonoscopies and mammograms? If you think that this is prevention, sorry buddy you may be missing out!

While our current medical system is attempting to shift focus to prevention, it is important to point out that your body is in an active disease state when any of the above testing finds something. You may catch the disease before it is “too late” but is it really in an early stage?

Here is what we know about the progression of disease: The first place illness shows up is in the energetic fields and meridians. Next physiological changes occur in the cells and tissue. Sometimes people linger in this state for a very long time before things progress.  They have many symptoms however not a lot of answers as to what is going on.  Most patients have been put on medication for their symptoms by this time because they just want to feel better than they do.

If restorative care doesn’t happen, then the illness will progress to a “disease” state.  In this phase, one will receive an official “diagnosis”.  Considering the perspective of Chinese Medicine, one is pretty darn sick before this happens and much could have been done to prevent this phase from happening.  No fear!  Chinese Medicine works well to pull people back into health if you are already at this point.  However, you must start where the illness first developed- in the energetic system.

To detect changes in the energetic system we highly recommend and utilize Kinesiology and Electric Meridian Graphing exam.  Graphing is widely used now by western trained acupuncturist.  The technology appeals to both the patient and the physician.  You as the patient get a visual of what is going on in your energetic system which makes it much easier to understand and make connections as to how your energetic patterns are effecting your health.  We as the physicians appreciate the ability to retest and monitor progress and changes with this technology.

When illness progresses past the point of energetic  changes and has taken on cellular response, more “functional” tests are required.  We use body temperature testing, saliva and urine examinations as well as Medical Thermography (shown below).

Breast thermography

This picture shows a thermal image of a breast examination- documented to show early changes consistent with tumor formation up to 10 years before mammography.  This is the test of choice for my friends, family, patients and myself.

Thermography can be done full body to detect areas inflammation.  For example, on my last exam I had inflammation show up in my dental area.  I quickly made an appointment for my functional medicine dentist who is well aware of the full body effects that dental inflammation can produce.  He absolutely found an area that required work.

Inflammation will show up in a thyroid gland long before blood work shows anything abnormal.  When this occurs, the patient does usually have complaints consistent with thyroid issues.

This is a great test for those with food sensitivities as any inflammation and irritation in the gut will show up as well- far earlier than a colonoscopy would produce a positive finding of any kind.

Functional medicine testing is usually non-invasive, and low cost as compared to typical medical examinations.  It is safe for any age range including kids!  We routinely have Medical Thermography come to our office to service our patients.  Please call for their next available date.

For those of you reading this that may be relying on “preventative testing” from your medical office, I strongly urge you to seek the care of a functional medicine practitioner like Innovative Health Partners.  I have known too many people with great intentions for their health “all of a sudden” get a major illness like cancer.  Chinese Medicine seeks to detect your state of health in much earlier stages of  this illness.  If you do not have a partner in your health, please call our office at 314-219-1888.

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